Site Inspector
For the Engineers, Architects, Home Builders, Property investors, and more…
Generate a site report for a property that covers all the location specific data such as soil types, terrain and wind information along with local council zoning and planning rules.
Interactive Planner
For the Sales team, Project Planners, Designers, Installers, Builders and Council Approval officers.
A site plan markup tool that interacts with the planning rules in real-time using the supplier marketplace to provide items and services enabling faster quotations and resulting in a faster approval process.
For Everyone…
A list of product and services from multiple suppliers that can be used to interact with planning rules in our interactive planner a list product and services from multiple suppliers that can be used to interact with planning rules in our interactive planner.
For the Sales Team, Project Planner, Estimators, retail & supply.
Allows a sales person the compare site plans, projects or products side by side and determine which may have greater costs to enable more accurate quoting for the customer.
Other potential areas that the platform can be applied to include business approvals, property development, building and construction, tourism, and finance and insurance sectors.
*NEW* Lead Generator
Embed uDrew function directly on your website, allowing your customers to engage with your products and self qualify. Comprehensive SEO data and lead information captured allows for more effective and cost efficient campaigns. Works for any structure in any region, allowing fully customisable interactive sales and calculations.
Contact us for details, and have live on your website in minutes.
Business intelligence and custom functionality for SME’s and Enterprise.
Unlock the power of your own data & expertise combined with uDrew core engines by bringing in your own custom spatial data, calculations and functionality, to create your own new insights and Information.
Contact us for details, and unlock the power of your own expertise combined with uDrews unqique engines.